
Monday, January 5, 2009

An unforgettable lesson.

A new year has always been a symbol of hope, but for 2009, everything is completely different. The new year is a symbol of death, misery and war.

Ten days of continous masscares over Ghaza, ten days of shouting voices, crying eyes, blood, cut limbs and dead bodies everywhere, ten days and the Arab governments are almost "actionless", ten days and mercy has gone to the other world, maybe celebrating the new bloody year.

I'm not going to write about the situation in Ghaza, I'm just going to write about the situation here, in Egypt, my homeland. The government has done almost nothing, it took them days and days to allow trucks carrying food and milk to pass through the borders, I guess they wouldn't have opened it if it wasn't for the unofficial efforts heald by the Arab people.

I've seen the Egyptian flag being burnt side by side with the Israelian flag as if we were against the Palsetinian case, as if we were murdurers, as if betrayed our brothers and sisters the Arabs, Muslims and Human being, as if we replaced our hearts with some bullets to use 'em against the poor children in Ghaza who can't sleep because of fear, because the sounds of bombs don't stop, because they're not sure if they slept they'd find there parents alive or not, their houses there or not, even themselves there or not.

We didn't betray our brothers and sisters, we would never stop supporting you, we are trying to do our best and be there for you, but our governments don't always represent us, we are different.
I want to shout and say: I am supporting the palestinian case, with all what I can do, with all what I can offer, I'm supporting you against my government.
That just taught me a great lesson, we can't judge a whole people because of it's corrupt government as we do with some western countries, we can't say they hate us, they don't. Even if their governments do, we shouldn't say the whole country is against us, because the strongest among you may not wear the crown.
Donations for Ghaza:
Inside Egypt:
Outside Egypt: