Fel kolleya w yowm taweel, mesta3gela w 3ayza a5allas, nezelt gary gebt 7aga ashrabha w ba3dein..3ayza armeeha :D No baskets. Tab armeeha 3al ard? 3ala ganb ba2a mafeehash moshkela, w ba3dien mal nas kollaha btermy, howa ana elly ha3'ayar el kown?
Mashya w 3ayza a3addy el share3, lessa harou7 le7ad el crosslines (showayet el no2oush ely rasamouha 3al ard bel bouya ely etba2et b3d ma 5allaso dehan el raseef badal ma yermouhom :D), ana ha3addy men nos el share3 w 5alas, ya3ny mahy el 3arabeya msh hate5batny (aslo hayrou7 f dahya :D If you're a driver you'll understand ad eh bteb2a 7aga sa5eefa en wa7ed ye3addy kol sanyetein, beteb2a 3ayez t2ollohom ma3lesh lemmo ba3doko w 3addo marra wa7da :D), kol el nas bet3addy ba2a men ay 7etta, ya3ny howa ana elly ha3'ayar el kown?
Barken el 3arabeya, msh la2ya makan arken, wel donia za7ma wel eshara ma sada2t ennaha fata7et, eh da! 7ad byetla3 men makano, yalla bsor3a al7a2o (msh mohem aksar 3ally mashy ganby :D hayza3a2 showaya w y3addy, w ba3dein ana afla el shebbak, law shatam msh hasma3o). "Mamnou3 el entezar"?! Tab ezzay ya3ny? Ma kol el 3arabeyat Rakna, gat 3alaya ana? El wensh msh haykalbesh kol el 3arabeyat di, w ba3dein Howa ana elly ha3'ayar el kown?
Emte7an practical, el wa2t haye5las, 3ayza anga7, mahy keda keda dalma fel paper. El preparation tel3et bayza! :S Ya gama3a 7ad 3ando zayey? Tab ma3aky zeyada? Tab shokran, 7oteehom b sor3a fel jar beta3y 3ashan nel7a2 nesallem (E7na maben3'eshesh,kol el nas bte3mel keda, da 7atta el mo3eed 3amal keda, w ba3dein howa e7na elly han3'ayar el kown?)
Tab howa ezzay el 7agat di ba2et 3ady aslan? el egaba: Ba2et 3ady 3ashan e7na et3awedna 3aleiha, 3ashan wa7ed 3amalha l awel marra f wa7ed tany 2al lamma a3mel zayo wel talet 2al 5alas ana hat7ama feehom wel rabe3 2al" Howa ana elly ha3'ayar el kown?"
Aywa ana elly ha3'ayar el kown, law 3amalt 7aga 3'alat 3'eiry haye3mel zayey, w law 3amalt 7aga sa7, msh hayeb2a fi 7ad bye3mel 7aga 3'alat aslan. Lw ana battalt amshy 3aks el ettegah ma7addesh hayemshy 3aks el ettegah, law ana battalt army zebala fel ard ma7addesh hayermy zebala fel ard, law ana battalt ashtem ma7addesh hayeshtem, law ana battalt a2el zow2y ma7addesh hay2el zow2o, law ana battalt a2ool: "Howa ana elly ha3'ayar el kown?", ana elly ha3'ayar el kown.
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"Psycho"لقطات من حياة or "Scenes from a psycho's life".......Every one has a psycho inside....he either lets him out or keeps him trapped inside himself. Those are inspirations, feelings and thoughts from an Egyptian psycho's daily life.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
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About Me

- Marwa Morgan
- I'm a twenty one years aged girl, A pharmacy student. I Love photography and enjoy it but I'm just taking it as a hobby, I never thought of being a professional photographer before, maybe because professional photography may make me lose that joy I get from shooting freely for myself. I believe in arts and culture, arts can change the world, I am an Arab and a Muslim and I do respect arts. I believe that a photo should have an idea behind, deliver this idea or change the viewer's perspective about a certain issue or even just tease his/her mind about it, otherwise I don't consider what's there a form of art. Note: Showing the beauty of a place or an object is a major idea that arts should deliver, also sharing other traditions and cultures is amazing, I am interested in other cultures. Check my photos at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marwamorgan
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