It was late at night…I could hear nothing except the waves rushing towards the shore and hitting each other as if it was a race and each one wanted to reach the end point first. The cold air was moving around my face and my headscarf was flying like a small boat’s sail in the middle of the broad sea.
I moved my eyes up and looked to the stars while listening to the rushing waves (f nafs zat el la7za :D), they looked like the sparkling points in a diamond or a precious stone (momken ne2ool Morgan? :D) . I looked to the other side if the sea, wished two wishes (3arfahom ya Mai? :D btw I wished you the two ones you told me about ;) w da3etlek ya Aya….b kol 7aga kowayesa gat f dema3’y by then :D), I remembered my grandmother saying: Lamma to2afy 3and el ba7r, ed3y w 2ooly ya Rab, fi haza el shahr …..(Name el da3wa :D), and how it always worked with her that she once asked Allah en her granddaughter tetgawez :D and to her surprise, she got engaged in the same month…..I used to think en di 5orafa, bs that doesn’t mean that I don’t do it :D I stood praying and laughing at the same time that I looked like an idiot and then some thought popped into my mind…
Why do we think that our wished come true while looking to the other side of the sea? Maybe because wished are always linked to “the unknown”? or maybe because we always link wishes with fear? I’ve always believed that being in the middle of the dark sea is very scary, and only those who are brave enough to go into the sea and leave their shores deserve to reach the other side and reach their destinations, just like in our lives, only those who are brave enough to dream and risk in working on their dreams deserve to achieve their goals and get their wishes fulfilled. If we fear, we’ll never achieve, storms are always probable, but only those who are brave enough and strong enough to bear the cold weather and take off their shirts to use them instead of the broken sails can reach the other side, only those who have enough patience and enough faith in Allah can reach the other side.
Why not dream? Why fear? Life is always full of hardships, a fact we should believe in, I always remembered Allah saying: لقد خلقنا الإنسان في كبد , but he also said: و من يتوكل علي الله فهو حسبه which means that we shouldn’t “over plan” our future, and we shouldn’t be concerned with every single detail in our “what if” situations, we shouldn’t draw a “flow chart” for our lives paths, we should think about the main steps, know the obstacles but not over think about them. Fear of the future can never exist with true faith in Allah, As long as we believe in Allah and understand the true meaning of al tawakol, we get our strength from Allah, we get our courage from Allah: و اعلم أن الأمة لو اجتمعت على أن ينفعوك بشيء لم ينفعوك إلا بشيء قد كتبه الله لك و لو اجتمعوا على أن يضروك بشيء لم يضروك إلا بشيء قد كتبه الله عليك and that everything is already set even before we were born: رفعت الاقلام و جفت الصحف . We’re in good hands, Allah is more merciful to us than we are to ourselves, we can never know the future but we can always believe that it’s better.
We should never let our fear of the future stop us from enjoying the present and then we'll realize that we have lost both, the present and the future.
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"Psycho"لقطات من حياة or "Scenes from a psycho's life".......Every one has a psycho inside....he either lets him out or keeps him trapped inside himself. Those are inspirations, feelings and thoughts from an Egyptian psycho's daily life.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
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About Me

- Marwa Morgan
- I'm a twenty one years aged girl, A pharmacy student. I Love photography and enjoy it but I'm just taking it as a hobby, I never thought of being a professional photographer before, maybe because professional photography may make me lose that joy I get from shooting freely for myself. I believe in arts and culture, arts can change the world, I am an Arab and a Muslim and I do respect arts. I believe that a photo should have an idea behind, deliver this idea or change the viewer's perspective about a certain issue or even just tease his/her mind about it, otherwise I don't consider what's there a form of art. Note: Showing the beauty of a place or an object is a major idea that arts should deliver, also sharing other traditions and cultures is amazing, I am interested in other cultures. Check my photos at:
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