Sometimes we meet some people who change the tracks of our lives, who make us feel really different and make a real change in our lives and sometimes, they become a part that can never be separated ov our souls and minds.
After I left school, I felt like I'll never meet good people, I'll keep going without frineds, and when I went to college, that thought became a reality, so I changed from an active chearful person to a lazy dull one that I started to hate myself.
The situation started to get worse till early in summer of 2008 when I promised that I'll change that situation and thought that I was much stronger than a person who would let all this crap control her life, by then, I was applying to be a member in STP, I chose media coz I felt myself a part of that team before even seeing it.
However, I wasn't so satisfied after I fisrt met you in Massimo, I felt that we would never be real friends, that's going just to be some kind of work or even some "ay kalam" that'll be doingm especially for Marium :D I thought you were going to be se "Tenka w hadya", bs olt yalla, let's wait and see what's going to happen.
When we started meeting later in Maadi (Ya Marium :D) to get that photoshop training, I started to love you more, and we got much closer day afet day, and then Maged got back men re7leto elly 5alel feeha (lessa ba7ked 3aleik) :D and we started working, sa7ee7 I realized later that we were'nt realy working :D bs they were great moments.
Showaya and we got into work aktar, we got involved with STP aktar, I can still remember how we spent ramadan days f Ibn Sina w Ramadan nights online 3al MSN le daraget ennena konna ben2oom netsa77ar w nerga3 w we didn't leave 3'er wel fagr bey adden!
Geina abl el opening and we were kinda mat7oneen :D and then we got to know each other aktar w aktar l daraget enny lamma kesebt f mosab2et el mofawadeya w kan ma3aya 3-4 invitations bs lel takreem you were the first people I thought of calling, 3ashan I wanted to share that moment with you, 5soosan that I won this competition because of you, if it weren't for you makontesh ha2addem aslan, if it weren't for your support I would have continued.
And because of this competition, I started to get known and contacted by galleries and participate in other competitions, because of you I started to have more belief in myself.
When we met ba3daha f Colours gallery (yom el set el 3ageeba :D), you were the first people who came and shared my success, something 7atta my family didn't do (although my family is really supportive), I always fel you beside me f kol 7aga.
Lmma konna f black and white, Nancy started saying: 5alas, fadel 21 days w STP te5las, and we felt bad by then, w kont 3arfa ad eh ana haddaye2 fel closing, but never though enny ahb2a keda.
I was trying to enjoy every moment left, and not to think about the end, bs the truth is much stronger that my false thoughts, and I felt so sad fel opening, bs I could hold myself from crying, ya3ny msh talbaha nakad in that great day :D
We7na ben7addar lel closing, when Marium asked me to get her some photos for the movie I felt a strange feeling that can't be expressed by words when I was coping the photos, eftakart every single moment, and I did hold myself from crying bardo, bs it was a bit harder than yom el opening.
We7na fel colsing, when I saw el nas w homma beysa22af after the "bye bye" movie I felt teras filling my eyes, bs by then Sara AbdAllah came and sadi Marwa ta3aly bsor3a 3ayzaky daroury, so I forgot baout it w tl3et, and when I got in and realized that I was part of that "Dream team" I was crying bs inside :D I was watching all the members 7ad 7ad and I was looking at you specifically and I wanted you to be there with me.
When I was driving home, Aya kanet ma3aya and she was reading el speeches fel conference book, I remained silent and when I got back home I slept 3ala tool 3ashan msh 3ayza a3ayat, bs when I read people's notes and saw our photos ma3a ba3d, I couldn't hold my self from crying.
I never expected that I'll love you keda! I never expected that I am going to cry for leaving someone whom I first met 8 months ago, I never expected that you'll be that special, bs you truely are! You're the best people I've ever met, you'll always be in my heart foever, and I'll never forget STP'09 and the best media team ever.
Can't find a thank you word wallahy! Law a3adt a2ool kol el thank you words ely fel donia msh hatkaffy, bs I am sure you can feel how I feel and understand what I want to say.
I'll always keepremebering and loving you! Proud to know you! Begad I am!!
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"Psycho"لقطات من حياة or "Scenes from a psycho's life".......Every one has a psycho inside....he either lets him out or keeps him trapped inside himself. Those are inspirations, feelings and thoughts from an Egyptian psycho's daily life.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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About Me

- Marwa Morgan
- I'm a twenty one years aged girl, A pharmacy student. I Love photography and enjoy it but I'm just taking it as a hobby, I never thought of being a professional photographer before, maybe because professional photography may make me lose that joy I get from shooting freely for myself. I believe in arts and culture, arts can change the world, I am an Arab and a Muslim and I do respect arts. I believe that a photo should have an idea behind, deliver this idea or change the viewer's perspective about a certain issue or even just tease his/her mind about it, otherwise I don't consider what's there a form of art. Note: Showing the beauty of a place or an object is a major idea that arts should deliver, also sharing other traditions and cultures is amazing, I am interested in other cultures. Check my photos at:
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Really great work. Happy Day!!!
Thanks David!
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