
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Who am I?

I've always believed that extremes can never be present in the same place...or the same thing...yet, life is full of mid tones that are neither black nor white..

It can never be hot and cold at the same time, it can never be morning and night together.

Man always proved being special, and that He obeys no rules....

The only creature that can be the two extremes in the same time...I've always laughed at Amr Diab's song: "Ana 3ayesh w msh 3ayesh"...but I understood that this "extreme" combination is present only in one creature....human beings.

As a human being, I realized how I am full of contradictions, strong and weak...serious and funny...calm and angry...., that "extreme combination" created some kind of confusion inside me...

Who am I? I can't classify myself...Am I the serious one or the funny one? Am I the stupid one or the smart one? Am I the furious one or the calm one?

I don't care to which category I I always believed I can represent my own brand new category, but I wish I can even determine how this category is like...I can find no description for it..

Yet, I got up, took my magnifying lens and I am searching for the inner me....