لم اكن أتمنى ان أكون رجلا قط .... ولطالما احببت كوني فتاة...رغم اعتراضي الكامل على "المساوة بين الرَجل والمرأة" واعتقادي بـأن "الست ست...والراجل راجل" ولو كانا متساويين لخلقنا الله كذلك...ولكنني لم اشعر بالنقص ...إنني اتمتع بما قد لا يتمتع به الرجال....وأفعل كل ماأريد....عدا السفر
ولطالما سمعت جمل الحقد التي تنتشر في "عالم البنات" مثل: "يا بخت الولاد!" و"كان نفسي اكون ولد"....وغالبا ماتكون هذه الجمل لأسباب تافهة ... فقد أشفق على من يؤدي تعرضهن للظلم من أزواجهن مثلا إلى هذا الشعور ...أو من تستضعف فتكون هذه النتيجة
ولكنني بدأت اشعر بـهذا في بعض اللحظات.....مواقف شعرت فيها بالعجز عن التصرف كما يملي عليَّ ضميري لمجرد كوني أنثى.... لا أدري إذا كانت تلك "حجة البليد" ام انها الحقيقة...التي لم أدركها الا عند تراجع قيمة الرجولة عند بعض الرجال في مجتمع لا تتضح له معالم واضحة أو توجهات صريحة....فهو محافظ لا محافظ, وهو شرقي لا شرقي, وغربي لا غربي, و هو العربي الذي يتنصل من عروبته ويتجرد من اسلاميته ومن أصوله التي كانت ترسم ملامحه الأساسية وصار يقطع أوصال كل ماهو قديم....
في تلك المواقف تمنيت ان اكون رجلا ولو للحظة واحدة....أو ان أجد وسيلة أعترض بها وأبرر بيها عجزي عن التصرف
لو كنت رجلا...... لما تركتك تنزف على طرف الطريق ولما سرت مع السائرين مشفقة عليك... لو كنت رجلا لأعطيتك حذائك الذي رمته الرياح بعيدا ..... لو كنت رجلا لحملتك على عاتقي محاولة انقاذك.... لو كنت رجلا لما أكملت طريقي وذهبت لبيتي وجلست مع أسرتي وقد لا تجد أسرتك عزاء لفقدانك أو قد لا تعلم أصلا إذا كنت حيا أو ميتا
لو كنت رجلا...... لما تركتك وحيدة "في عز الشمس" وقد ظهرت خيبة أملي عندما فشلت في مساعدتك....فانا لا أقوى على ذلك....لو كنت رجلا لما أكملت طريقي ناظرة اليكي قائلة: "يا عيني....دي ست كبيرة مش هتقدر تزق العربية لوحدها في مكان زي ده" "
لو كنت رجلا......لاستقرت يدي على وجهك "بعد قلم محترم" جزاء مافعلته مع بنات الناس
لو كنت رجلا......لما خفت أن أساعد أحد المسنين في الشارع تصديقا لما سمعت دائما وعشته بـنفسي: أحسن يؤذيكي يا بنتي
لو كنت رجلا......
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"Psycho"لقطات من حياة or "Scenes from a psycho's life".......Every one has a psycho inside....he either lets him out or keeps him trapped inside himself. Those are inspirations, feelings and thoughts from an Egyptian psycho's daily life.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
The "standby" mode.
I've always believed nothing happens by chance....Every single thing happens for a reason, and this is being proved since a long time.....and maybe this is the reason behind my strong belief in divine messages even in thing we see while walking down the streets or words we hear in those day to day chit chats...
A Person never thinking doing this today will lead to this tomorrow acts normally....and life takes him/her to where Allah has decided for him/her.....he may realize the significance then, he may realize it later....he may never realize it at all, yet....the significance is always present....but due to our lack of knowledge we never knew what's the best for us.
It's been a long time since I last paused and thought about what's going on around....maybe because my poor brain was taking too much orders to proceed in performing all of them.....I couldn't get any messages, not because the messages aren't being sent...or because "The network is busy".....it's just because "The receiver ain't on the standby mode".
I've just woke up from my "hibernation" back to the "standby" mode.....Lots of pending messages....yet there aren't any late ones....As if getting those messages that late has a significance itself....
When one gets used to something he's in a loop that he never thinks about the reason that got him in....he may never pause and think, and usually that ends in a closure.....a true closure.
But sometimes that pause causes a slight deviation in the loop's direction.....actually it's not a deviation, it's a correction, you realize why you're in that loop and that gives you a push to go on.
The Closure is usually an "escape" from hardships, from physical and mental loads.....an escape from responsibility....A word I am always afraid of, yet, my parents taught me not to escape....face, act, stand up and finish strong.....strength is a renewable form of energy.....but it's not about the form....it's about the source.
For the first time, I find myself escaping from the responsibility....due to lack of strength, I find myself in the loop, no pauses, no energy source.......the engine.....stops.
It's always harder to start an engine than accelerate its work....so how can I restart when I couldn't accelerate? How can I get that strength?
I realized being in the "hibernation" mode is more energy consuming than being on the "standby"....as in the later you get recharged by divine messages while the first one ignores them.
This may sound awkward....but responsibility and messages are very linked...you get your order from getting the message....you get guided through the message....you get recharged and pushed....through the message.
One last message I got, and I believe it's worth sharing and maybe it's a message for some of you:
"نعمتان مغبون فيهما المؤمن الصحة والفراغ"
A Person never thinking doing this today will lead to this tomorrow acts normally....and life takes him/her to where Allah has decided for him/her.....he may realize the significance then, he may realize it later....he may never realize it at all, yet....the significance is always present....but due to our lack of knowledge we never knew what's the best for us.
It's been a long time since I last paused and thought about what's going on around....maybe because my poor brain was taking too much orders to proceed in performing all of them.....I couldn't get any messages, not because the messages aren't being sent...or because "The network is busy".....it's just because "The receiver ain't on the standby mode".
I've just woke up from my "hibernation" back to the "standby" mode.....Lots of pending messages....yet there aren't any late ones....As if getting those messages that late has a significance itself....
When one gets used to something he's in a loop that he never thinks about the reason that got him in....he may never pause and think, and usually that ends in a closure.....a true closure.
But sometimes that pause causes a slight deviation in the loop's direction.....actually it's not a deviation, it's a correction, you realize why you're in that loop and that gives you a push to go on.
The Closure is usually an "escape" from hardships, from physical and mental loads.....an escape from responsibility....A word I am always afraid of, yet, my parents taught me not to escape....face, act, stand up and finish strong.....strength is a renewable form of energy.....but it's not about the form....it's about the source.
For the first time, I find myself escaping from the responsibility....due to lack of strength, I find myself in the loop, no pauses, no energy source.......the engine.....stops.
It's always harder to start an engine than accelerate its work....so how can I restart when I couldn't accelerate? How can I get that strength?
I realized being in the "hibernation" mode is more energy consuming than being on the "standby"....as in the later you get recharged by divine messages while the first one ignores them.
This may sound awkward....but responsibility and messages are very linked...you get your order from getting the message....you get guided through the message....you get recharged and pushed....through the message.
One last message I got, and I believe it's worth sharing and maybe it's a message for some of you:
"نعمتان مغبون فيهما المؤمن الصحة والفراغ"
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About Me

- Marwa Morgan
- I'm a twenty one years aged girl, A pharmacy student. I Love photography and enjoy it but I'm just taking it as a hobby, I never thought of being a professional photographer before, maybe because professional photography may make me lose that joy I get from shooting freely for myself. I believe in arts and culture, arts can change the world, I am an Arab and a Muslim and I do respect arts. I believe that a photo should have an idea behind, deliver this idea or change the viewer's perspective about a certain issue or even just tease his/her mind about it, otherwise I don't consider what's there a form of art. Note: Showing the beauty of a place or an object is a major idea that arts should deliver, also sharing other traditions and cultures is amazing, I am interested in other cultures. Check my photos at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marwamorgan
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