After a very tiring day....I threw my head back on pillow. I was trying to sleep but I couldn't...I couldn't stop those thoughts from flowing inside my head.
How many times I thought of things that don't make sense and they then turned into reality? Can't count them :)
How did days and years pass that fast? How am I 20? ...I was just 18 a couple of weeks ago (I feel it's like yesterday..when I got my driving license.. LOL :D) How did all this happen? Why did all this happen?
I felt like reviewing all my memories...shereet el zekrayat :D, don't know why did I feel like it at that time, maybe because things are happening so fast and I feel I can't catch up even with my own life...
I still remember when my mother used to say: Lamma tekbary w tod5oly el gam3a :D:D Wallahy ma kont bata5ayal aslan eny hawsal to that stage men 7ayaty :D
I still remember my first day at school w ezzay kano kol el 3eyal bey3ayato wana kano bygeebo ay 7ad by3ayat yo3od ganby 3ashan bal3ab m3ahom w ba5aleehom yebattalo 3eyat :D:D:D
I still remember lamma konna benet5ane2 m3a el 3eyal fel bus w makontesh bafham homma bey2oolo eh f madrasty el emarat and I used to fight for my place ganb el shebbak m3a eny kont as3'ar wa7da fel bus (I was 5!!!) :D:D (fakra ya sara? :D)
I still remember when I met every single friend...
I still remember my first day at college and how it was one of my worst days ever :D:D
I still remember......kol 7aga...
I remembered how A happened just before B...and how B was a result for A.....
Did I ever think that J will happen after A? Did I ever think of that sequence? Did I ever get that Allah was placing people and situations in my life to be reasons for other ones?
Have I ever thought that this girl will be my closest friend? Have I thought that this one will hurt me? Have I felt that I'd realize later on that I was being a fool? Have I ever though I'd visit that place?
And...why did X happen? 3ashan Y should happen as a result of X....3ashan Rabbena sheyellena Z ba3d X and Y...Tab eshme3na di te7sal abl di? 3ashan our response would have been different law el tarteeb e5talaf....
Msh di el 7aga ely kont hamout 3ashan te7sal a couple of years ago? Adeeny delwa2ty ba2ool el 7amdulilah ennaha ma7asaletsh...msh dowl el nas ely kont bat5ene2 menhom abl keda? Adeehom delwa2ty as7aby....
It just goes and no one knows eh beye7sal leh except Allah.....and that proves ad eh 3elm el ensan ma7doud w nazreto so3'ayara awy.....the only thing we should be sure of is en kol 7aga fel donia significance w mafeesh 7aga bte7sal 3ashan te7sal w 5alas....w mafeesh 7ad hay3'ayar el maktoub wala 7ad haya5od aktar men rez2o....
Keteer ba2ool el 7amdulillah eny ma3rafsh el mosta2bal.....3ashan sa3at fi 7agat law 3erefna feeha el mosta2bal we'd never enjoy el wake3....If I knew en di hate5las keda...I would have never started it...and I'd never enjoyed what I enjoyed during it.
لو علمتم الغيب لتمنيتم الواقع
Aktar 7aga fel donia betraya7 when something we can't accept happens enena nfakkar what we got menha...and even when we can't find ay 7aga tele3na beeha men el leila di f being sure en el 7aga di hatfedna later on w ennaha el 5eir is the best thing to do.
El 7amdulillah 3ala kol 7aga 7asaletly f 7ayaty sawa2 fehemt heya 7asalet leh aw lessa mafhemtesh aw 7atta msh hafham.....w el 7amdulillah mokadaman 3al maktobly in my future :)
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"Psycho"لقطات من حياة or "Scenes from a psycho's life".......Every one has a psycho inside....he either lets him out or keeps him trapped inside himself. Those are inspirations, feelings and thoughts from an Egyptian psycho's daily life.
Friday, October 2, 2009
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About Me

- Marwa Morgan
- I'm a twenty one years aged girl, A pharmacy student. I Love photography and enjoy it but I'm just taking it as a hobby, I never thought of being a professional photographer before, maybe because professional photography may make me lose that joy I get from shooting freely for myself. I believe in arts and culture, arts can change the world, I am an Arab and a Muslim and I do respect arts. I believe that a photo should have an idea behind, deliver this idea or change the viewer's perspective about a certain issue or even just tease his/her mind about it, otherwise I don't consider what's there a form of art. Note: Showing the beauty of a place or an object is a major idea that arts should deliver, also sharing other traditions and cultures is amazing, I am interested in other cultures. Check my photos at:
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