That's me there walking in the middle of the greens, I can feel those sun rays passing through the fingers of my raised up hand, I guess I can touch them, I heard a voice calling so I stared to walk with faster steps...the voice is getting closer, so I started to run, closer....faster....and.....
Marwa....es7y ya 7abebty 3ashan 3andek kolleya, hatet2a5ary...
:S :S
Again I got back and laid my head to the pillow, I saw the greens and I stepped slowly waiting for the voice....and...
na3am...3ayez eh ya 3bd el ra7man?
Msh 3ayez 7aga...Nyahahahahahaha (msh zay mine bardo :D)
I decided to continue my dream anywhere else, couldn't find a better place where nobody would disturb other than college, everybody is doing his/her own, some are writing, some are listening and some are dreaming....
Here we go, I am holding the rays...the voice started to call....I move...move....move...and...
El doctora ely msh 3ayza te7dary momken tetfaddaly....
I went out, started walking by the river...then I stood still "in the middle of the greens, feeling the sun rays around my face, smelling the fresh early morning breeze and watching the fishing boats moving around...." (Maybe the calling voice will come out from those boats....ma7addesh 3aref ya3ny :D)
This time I'm not's true, I am living the dream :) Still waiting for the calling voice though, but most of the dream became true....
P.S: Whether your dream was simple or complicated , Whether you were busy or not, despite of people's disturbance and interruptions.....Give yourself the chance to dream, protect your dream (ya Mai) and fight for your right in dreaming because it's worth fighting for :) And don't wait for the calling voice to move forward in the may come very late...and it might not be there aslan :)
The dream will come true...maybe not exactly the same, maybe a part will remain missing, maybe a part will happen more that you dreamed....but the dream will become true...the dream is true.
Ah...I was about to forget...that greeny part isn't my dream and I'm not waiting for that calling voice to make me move...I am already moving towards my dream, bs ya3ny I am keeping it to myself :):)
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"Psycho"لقطات من حياة or "Scenes from a psycho's life".......Every one has a psycho inside....he either lets him out or keeps him trapped inside himself. Those are inspirations, feelings and thoughts from an Egyptian psycho's daily life.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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About Me

- Marwa Morgan
- I'm a twenty one years aged girl, A pharmacy student. I Love photography and enjoy it but I'm just taking it as a hobby, I never thought of being a professional photographer before, maybe because professional photography may make me lose that joy I get from shooting freely for myself. I believe in arts and culture, arts can change the world, I am an Arab and a Muslim and I do respect arts. I believe that a photo should have an idea behind, deliver this idea or change the viewer's perspective about a certain issue or even just tease his/her mind about it, otherwise I don't consider what's there a form of art. Note: Showing the beauty of a place or an object is a major idea that arts should deliver, also sharing other traditions and cultures is amazing, I am interested in other cultures. Check my photos at:
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