9 am.....the fresh but cold morning breeze was moving my scarf away...the sun was shining and the greans were sparkling over mat7af el manial where I was walking holding my lab coat, a couple of books and my bag. This time I wasn't heading to "El ma5ruba", I was moving to sa7bet-ha el ma7ru2a (kasr el 3einy sabekan) because my exam was held there....
I remembered the same day (bs da kan 20/1 not 24 w kan sabt w msh 5amees :D) last year, the same place, the same weather, the same facial expressions, the same room, the same samples, the same staff watching over the exam...just a couple of differences: The first was that this time I was alone, although I had lots of people around last year, the second was: The different me.
People were rushing holding their books, they don't know where they should go...two girls were heading to the 3rd floor so b 5ebrety I called and said: "el door el talet da bta3 wafd malysia :D e7na fel tany :D"
The same man sitting in the same door holding the same "daftar" and collecting "geneih wa7ed, rasm d5oul el emt7an" from the students.
I felt like I slept for a while and woke up to see people changing, yet I am in the same place.
I started thinking about how bored I am :D So that took me to a wider angle (ma3lesh asl ana mesawarateya...walla eh ya Ra3'da :D), How bored the staff are?
W zay mat3awedna, el angles malhash 7odood, so you can zoom out ela ma la nehaya....I've always loved wider anlges 3ammatan :D
How boring would the world be If we all did the same thing? We weren't born to live w 5alas...
Law Marwa da5alet el madrasa w ba3daha gam3a (ely heya tasmee3 aslan w fakra malhash ma3na f 7ayat 7ad zayey :D bs howa 3ashan el mogtama3 la yakbal eny akoun mada5altesh gam3a) w ba3daha teshta3'al ay 7aga, w tetgawez ay 7ad, w te5alles ay 3eyal, w temout...3ady....
w X da5alet el madrasa, w ba3daha gam3a, w ba3daha teshta3'al ay 7aga w tetgawez ay 7ad w te5allef ay 3eyal w temout....3ady...
w Y da5alet el madrasa, w ba3daha gam3a, w ba3daha teshta3'al ay 7aga w tetgawez ay 7ad w te5allef ay 3eyal w temout....3ady...
Zehe2to...sa7? How boring this world would be if life went in that cycle....if we all RECYCLED each other's lives...if we all lived just to live....w 3ashan howa da el 3ady, heya di sonnet el 7ayah, maho keda kowayes, wana ha3ouz eh aktar men keda w......
I am brand new....bel ticket ya3ny :D I am not and I won't accept to be recycled, only trash can be recycled (asfa if that was offensive....bas 7asset-ha awy).
"Those who don't have dreams have nothing.
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"Psycho"لقطات من حياة or "Scenes from a psycho's life".......Every one has a psycho inside....he either lets him out or keeps him trapped inside himself. Those are inspirations, feelings and thoughts from an Egyptian psycho's daily life.
Friday, December 25, 2009
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About Me

- Marwa Morgan
- I'm a twenty one years aged girl, A pharmacy student. I Love photography and enjoy it but I'm just taking it as a hobby, I never thought of being a professional photographer before, maybe because professional photography may make me lose that joy I get from shooting freely for myself. I believe in arts and culture, arts can change the world, I am an Arab and a Muslim and I do respect arts. I believe that a photo should have an idea behind, deliver this idea or change the viewer's perspective about a certain issue or even just tease his/her mind about it, otherwise I don't consider what's there a form of art. Note: Showing the beauty of a place or an object is a major idea that arts should deliver, also sharing other traditions and cultures is amazing, I am interested in other cultures. Check my photos at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marwamorgan
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Morgan...ezay 3ndek 7a2 keda!!!..
2ktr 7aga btsasfzeni hwa eni 2shoof el nas mstaslema le maframet el 7yah w el 7yah tegebha w tewadeha...bedoun 2adna tafkeer,,ana meen w leh w b3ml hena eh?!! w ana 3aiz 23ml eh
b7yaty el rbna edhali!!
Morgan I love the idea and the title kaman:)..el phsycho 3ml ma3aki shoghl;)
LOOOOL :D Aywa ba2aa ya Rola :D:D
Thank you :)
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