This is taken from my blue notebook (ely ma7addesh 3omro shafha wala hayshofha m3a en 3aleiha ragel se3eedy gameel awy :D), as a part of my (personal) project la2atat men 7ayat psycho ely baktebo bona2an 3ala ektera7 my friend "Aya", as she said that writing kol yom what inspired you, motivated you, or taught you something would be very motivating lel seneen ely ba3d keda whenever you read it, w bona2an 3ala gomlel el 7ag 7asanein heikal lamma 2al en kol ensan 3ando f 7ayato ely yetketeb w yeb2a ketab el nas kollaha bete2rah w tet3allem menno (howa kan byewsef botros 3'aly, msh Marwa Morgan, w m3a keda ha2ollo shokran 3al mogamla el ra2ee2a w ha5odha 3ala nafsy, bs ha keep this to myself w msh hanshoro akeed :D).
Kal 3ada se7eet el sob7 ray7a 3alaya nowma (mahma kan ely 3andy, w mahma kan m3ado, lazem trou7 3alaya nowma, wallahy ma fel mo7adrat bs ya Rana :D), mesa22ata w mesadda3a w ta3bana geddan after a very tiring day (ely howa embare7) l daraget eny msh 7assa el sa3a kam aslan....
I put on my clothes w nezelt at 2 3ashan awaddy el sowar ely ba2aly yomein me7tasa feehom el sa2ia, asl deadline el mosab2a el naharda wana zana2t nafsy zay kol marra l a5er yomein, I left home w mesheet f taree2y 3ady geddan, ba3d sera3 m3 el za7am el raheeb la2etny 3nd el 2al3a f Salah Salem....
Howa ana eh ely gabny hena?! Ana leh matle3tesh kobry october?
Mobarmaga......taree2 el ma5ruba....sa7ya msh sa7ya, yeb2a ray7a el ma5ruba (ely aslan mabaro7hash).
Tab eh el 7al delwa2ty?! Where to go? msh harga3 el taree2 men awelo tany, el donia za7ma...
I'll take a shortcut, ana hafakkar delwa2ty w ha3raf ana momken amshy ezzay...
(If you don't know me well f I'm a shortcut person, maba7ebbesh el 3atala wel za7ma, law taree2 ma2fol ba5od 3'ero :D)
I managed to go through "share3 Mohammed Ali" then "Hassan el Akbar" reaching downtown w menha lel zamalek 3ady zay el nas...
While moving fel za7ma di I remembered 7agat adeema awy....I remembered the first time I went to share3 el mo3ez w el 3'oureya with my 3rd prep English teacher, I can still remember her voice "W hena etshana2 Toman bay w et3alla2et re2abto 3ala bab zewila".....ma3rafsh leh eftakartaha fel la7za di bezzat, bs maybe 3ashan we went through the same way, aslena konna fel 2al3a ablaha :):D
El taree2 mabyet7arraksh aslan, so I started watching el nas w homma mashyeen (aywa...psycho) w el ma7allat, wel 3eyal ely rag3een men madares-hom, wel masaged wel byout el adeema...7atta 3asaker el mrour ely zeh2o men el morour :D
I thought about 7agat f 7ayaty, and It was great to spend sometime alone thinking about kol 7aga, about what you've been into, what you've done, what you should do, what's happening to you and the messages you're getting....
It was a great pause that I needed, yet I couldn't get it while being driven away by za7met el ayam w kalam el nas w 5ena2at el as7ab w afashat el ahaly w el derasa w....w....w.....
I reached my destination at took me 2 hours while it's usually a 30-45 mins drive....
Bas ana madaya3tesh wa2ty, ana et2a5art ah, bs 7ammelt kteer fel taree2....
El 5olasa:
Yemken aw2at keteer (keteer awy 3andy :D) ned5ol f taree2 3ashan e7na mobarmageen, aw 3ashan el kol el nas bete3mel keda aw 3ashan howa da el 3ady
W bnekteshef ennena fe a "wrong" way...w ne2oaf wa2fa msh 3arfeen ne3mel eh....mayenfa3sh nelef w nerga3, w mayenfa3sh nekammel w nrou7 7etta 3'er ely el mafroud neb2a feeha....w as3ab la7za heya ekteshaf el "shortcut" w ennena nod5olo...yemken nkoun 3arfeeno bs mabna5odsh balna en dal wa2t ely lazem nesta3melo feeh...
We may reach our destination ben reach it :) w ben reach it we7na kasbaneen keteer awy...Rabbena 3omro ma bey7ottena in a "wrong" way, it's a right way, bs not the way we planned for aw not the shortest way...yet, it's a way, w a very useful one kaman, and maybe we wouldn't have reach our destination b what we need ella through that "wr-ight" way.
"It's never too late....we never need U-turns".
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"Psycho"لقطات من حياة or "Scenes from a psycho's life".......Every one has a psycho inside....he either lets him out or keeps him trapped inside himself. Those are inspirations, feelings and thoughts from an Egyptian psycho's daily life.
Friday, December 11, 2009
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About Me

- Marwa Morgan
- I'm a twenty one years aged girl, A pharmacy student. I Love photography and enjoy it but I'm just taking it as a hobby, I never thought of being a professional photographer before, maybe because professional photography may make me lose that joy I get from shooting freely for myself. I believe in arts and culture, arts can change the world, I am an Arab and a Muslim and I do respect arts. I believe that a photo should have an idea behind, deliver this idea or change the viewer's perspective about a certain issue or even just tease his/her mind about it, otherwise I don't consider what's there a form of art. Note: Showing the beauty of a place or an object is a major idea that arts should deliver, also sharing other traditions and cultures is amazing, I am interested in other cultures. Check my photos at:
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