Well, Men el awel keda 5aleena nkoon wad7een :D Ana msh Psycho...bs sa3at ba7awed 3ala na7yet el maganeen...aw ya3ny msh sa3at...keteer....mmm...msh mohem ba2a :D Msh yemken 7ad yktashef the psycho inside her/him? :D
Tayeb....b3eed 3an el "kare2een".....lamma el ensan el fady byefda aktar, beyesma7 l 3a2lo eno ye7awed 3ala share3 el maganeen w msh b3eed yod5olo :D w iza kont bet2addy goz2 men wa2t fara3'ak fi makan feeh ash5as keteer mate3rafhomsh...automatically hatebda2 tetabe3 homma bye3melo eh (na2es naddara sowda w wara2et gornan ma5rooma w teb2a serial killer :D Msh b3eed tetalla3 nota w tekteb "aham el mola7azat") :D w momken tet7awel l sha5s zayey byestamte3 bel 5roug alone w el mashy masafat taweela bela hadaf :D w athna2 re7alatak el taweela hatebda2 f momarset nashat el "seriall killing" men 3'er ma ta5od balak :D
Fi a7ad el marrat ely kont bamares feeha nashat el serial killing, kont bata5ayal law el share3 kollo nafs el sha5s... (awya...nafs el sha5s...e7na ettafa2na men el awel en ana msh psycho), ta5ayalt law el share3 kollo Marwa :D Aw el share3 kollo byetkallem zay ba3do...bey2oolo nafs el kalam...law el share3 kollo beybosselak w ye2ollak: Saba7 el 5er f wa2t wa7ed (w howa nafs el sha5s bs menno kteer ya3ny :D) :D:D....aw el share3 kollo labes nafs el lown....aw el share3 kollo mashy f nafs el ettegah....law el share3 kollo welad....aw kollo banat....aw kollo beed...aw kollo somr....aw kollo towal...aw kollo akzam...aw...aw.... :D:D Eh el malal da :D
Sa3et-ha 7asseit b ne3met Rabbena 3aleina...ne3met el "Diversity", el diversity f el ashkal, el diversity fel 3o2ool, el diversity fel sha5seyat, even el diversity f azwa2 el lebs w toro2 el kalam....7asseit awy el aya ely bet2ool:
و جعلناكم شعوبا وقبائل لتعارفوا
Elly ta7anny aktar eny 7asseit bel diversity el mawgouda gowa el ensan nafso...sa3at el ensan byeb2a 7aga...w showaya w ye2leb 7aga tanya (Msh enfesam ya3ny :D)...sa3at el wa7ed msh byeb2a 2ader y classify nafso demn category mo3ayan men kotr ma el wa7ed gowah mix 3ageeb men sha5seyat keteer...mafeesh ensan purely aggressive, when you get to understand el nas dowl you can deal with them 3ady w tensa this aggressiveness aslan....mafeesh ensan purely 5anee2 :D Beygeelo wa2t w yehazzar bardo....mafeesh ensan purely tayeb....beygeelo wa2t w yeb2a shereer....Kollena feena the two extremes bs el fekra fel balance...w da men ne3met Rabbena 3al ensan nafso, 3ashan law kan el wa7ed f "unimood" kan zamano zehe2 men nafso :D
El 7amdulillah en ana psycho :D 3ashan mazha2sh men nafsy :D:D:D
Na3tazer 3an hazeheh el wasla men el 5oza3balat...w nargo en ely 2araha mayfakarsh feeha kteer 3ashan msh 3ayzeen psychos kteer fel mante2a. :D
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"Psycho"لقطات من حياة or "Scenes from a psycho's life".......Every one has a psycho inside....he either lets him out or keeps him trapped inside himself. Those are inspirations, feelings and thoughts from an Egyptian psycho's daily life.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
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About Me

- Marwa Morgan
- I'm a twenty one years aged girl, A pharmacy student. I Love photography and enjoy it but I'm just taking it as a hobby, I never thought of being a professional photographer before, maybe because professional photography may make me lose that joy I get from shooting freely for myself. I believe in arts and culture, arts can change the world, I am an Arab and a Muslim and I do respect arts. I believe that a photo should have an idea behind, deliver this idea or change the viewer's perspective about a certain issue or even just tease his/her mind about it, otherwise I don't consider what's there a form of art. Note: Showing the beauty of a place or an object is a major idea that arts should deliver, also sharing other traditions and cultures is amazing, I am interested in other cultures. Check my photos at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marwamorgan
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